.. _bp_rf: Blood Pressure --------------- Data for blood pressure is obtained from NCD RISC :cite:p:`NCDRiskFactorCollaborationNCD-RisC2017` and represents years 1975-2014. Most countries across the world are covered in the dataset, which provides information on mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as the proportion of people with a systolic blood pressure (SBP) > 140 by age group (18-19, 20-24, …, 80-84, 85+) and gender. Modelling principles for systolic blood pressure `````````````````````````````````````````````````` Systolic blood pressue (SBP) is modelled with a log-normal distribution: .. math:: SBP(n,y) \leadsto LogNormal(\hat\sigma(n,y),\hat\mu(n,y)) The parameters of the log-normal distribution are fitted using the average systolic blood pressure, :math:`\overline{SBP}` and proportion of people with high blood pressure, :math:`\mathbb{P}_{BP>140}`. For each year, :math:`y`, the following equation system is solved: .. math:: \begin{eqnarray} &\min_{\lambda(y)}\sum_n ( \overline{SBP} - \displaystyle e^{\hat\mu(n,y) - \frac{1}{2} \hat{σ}^2(n,y)} )^2 \\ &\hat{σ}(n,y) = σ_0+λ(y)*(n-n_0)\\ &\hat\mu(n,y) = \ln(140)-\Phi^{-1} (1- \mathbb{P}_{BP>140}) \end{eqnarray} Where, :math:`n_0` is the first available age (here 18) and :math:`σ_0` is computed to match the data :math:`\overline{SBP}, \mathbb{P}_{BP>140}` (for the first available age group (here 18-19). During the calibration procedure a higher weight was used to fit the percentage of people with a high blood pressure compared to those with an average SBP, in order to model the impact of high blood pressure more accurately. :numref:`BP_RF_GammaDistribution` and :numref:`SBP_RF` illustrate the methodology and its outputs for France. As shown in :numref:`SBP_RF`, blood pressure rises as a function of age. For example, the blood pressure of an individual in the 50th percentile increases from 107 at 20 years of age to 134 at 65 years. .. _BP_RF_GammaDistribution: .. figure:: images/cdfBPcalibration.png :alt: BP_gamma :width: 600px :align: center :figclass: align-center Fitting gamma distribution on average blood pressure and share of people with raised blood pressure (Women - France - 2015). .. _SBP_RF: .. figure:: images/cdfBP.png :width: 600px :align: center :figclass: align-center Systolic blood pressure: fitted gamma distribution for different age (Women - France - 2015). Relative risks and baseline risks ```````````````````````````````````` The link between SBP and diseases are modelled through relative risks. Relative risk (by age group and by gender) are provided by IHME (:cite:p:`GBD2016RiskFactorsCollaborators2017`) through a linear function (see :numref:`RR_stroke`). .. _RR_stroke: .. figure:: images/rrBP.png :width: 600px :align: center :figclass: align-center Relative risk for Stroke and Hemorrhagic Stroke based on blood pressure level, men and women aged 50 For each disease, the baseline risk (:math:`BR`) is computed as follows: .. math:: BR = \frac{1}{\int_{80}^{250} RR(x)dBP(x)} Where: * :math:`RR(x)` = Relative risk based on blood pressure * :math:`dBP` = Change in blood pressure (SBP modelled with a log-normal distribution) * :math:`UR` = Underlying Risk.